Tuesday, March 24, 2020

An experimental color palette using the Polychrome R package.

A second try, with a custom palette which I generated using Polychrome, an R package.

It may be necessary to scroll a long ways down the page to the previous post, another similar example.

Move the slider vertically. This is an example of strong Deuteranopia, simulated through Inkscape's Color Blindness filter.  If this works, a howto will come later.  The idea was to generate a series of colors that maximally discriminable for three kinds of color blindness.  Did it work?   It's pretty hard to read. 

\Hope it works!!!

My first colorblind experiment. From another blog of mine.

This was my first try to produce a colorblind friendly graph of height of tide (on the y, vertical, axis) as a function of  clock time (on the x axis).

I used the "Juxtapose" web tool to compare a graph (work in progress) with a simulation in The Gimp of what this image would or might look like to a person who is somewhat  colorblind with Deuteranomaly (apparently weak green vision).  For this simulation I have used the Color Vision Deficiency python plugin for the Gimp.
We can be pretty sure that these figures do not look like this to colorblind people; but I can see that my intense, contrasting color palette does not work to discriminate the different lines for persons with color deficient vision.

The color deficit is Deuteranomaly weak green. Pull the slider to the right to see the original image; slide to the left to see the simulation of what we may think a person with this deficit in color vision might see.
Scroll further down to see another type of colorblindness.
The objective will be to produce colorblind-friendly graphs. I found this on the blog of the website with the slider maker: https://knightlab.northwestern.edu/2016/07/18/three-tools-to-help-you-make-colorblind-friendly-graphics/index.html

  1.  http://colorbrewer2.org
  2.  Chroma
  3. Checking: other ways to visualize/simulate your work
                  [Depends on Java 6, not officially supported by Arch]

Timezones are impossible

This video was linked on the Emacs Org-mode mailing list.  The discussion was about an desire to incorporate timezones into some particular ...