Friday, February 7, 2020

King Tides of February 2020 in San Francisco Bay

King Tide is an imprecise term, meaning tides that are relatively higher than most high tides during a year.  In 2020, on the Pacific Coast of North America, the highest astronomical tides of the year are predicted in December.  However highest tides of January, February and November are also quite high, and have been called King Tides.  As this is written, we expect King Tides on February 8th and 9th.  The following is a graph of tides every 20 minutes for 2020, at Pier 17, next to the Exploratorium, in San Francisco.

Exact times and ranges of tides differ at sites along the West Coast. This graph shows the progression from La Jolla, California northward to Cape Disappointment, Washington. 

 Predictions for the Fortnight from 2 through 15 February 2020.  The highest tides, on February 8 and 9, are commonly referred to as King Tides.  

Timezones are impossible

This video was linked on the Emacs Org-mode mailing list.  The discussion was about an desire to incorporate timezones into some particular ...